Our Complete Web Services API Is Accessible To Developers
Sentry File Document Management has a complete Web Services API (Known as DocuCore) that is accessible to developers and integrators. This API allows you to programmatically interact with every aspect of the SentryFile Document Management Platform.
If you are familiar with Web Services, then integrating with Sentry File will be a cinch! You can access the WSDL documentation by pointing your browser to:
(replace [IP_Of_Your_Server] with the actual IP address of your SentryFile Server).
We want to encourage as many people as possible to integrate with SentryFile's web services, however in order to keep our support costs as low as possible we will not be providing free development support. So, if you're interested in integration with Sentry File and you require assistance you have the following options:
Pay for Sentry File Staff assistance with your project, contact us for pricing.
Use the free resources on the web to help you learn what you need... There's tons of information out there! Just start googling!
Take a course: There are lots of online courses, college courses available to learn how to program with Web Services.